A very warm socially distanced ‘Hello’!
As we all navigate uncertain times and grapple with the impact of social isolation, separation from loved ones, concerns for health and finances, Talitha wants to continue doing what we do best and to support our growing need for community and connection.
In our trauma sessions, we use movement to explore establishing and respecting safe physical boundaries in relation to others. This has taken on a new meaning with the virus. With the imposed physical boundaries we hope to reach out and into places of isolation and disconnection in creative ways.
We are all adapting -refocusing our energies, and thinking of innovative ways to support one another, build connection and care for our communities. We wanted to let you know that Talitha is currently developing a forum which we will be sharing with you later in the week, through which we hope to encourage and inspire our community to engage creatively.
Our forum will be a space to share what is meaningful to you, perhaps something that brings you hope and inspiration at this time. This could be in the most simple and everyday way, a picture, a photograph, a poem, or something you have made.
In response to Government guidelines, Talitha will sadly need to withdraw from all our art workshop programmes. This means our current sessions at Dalemead Care Home will need to be postponed as well as those planned for the Medaille Trust in April. Our overseas work is suspended for the foreseeable future, as well as our planned Talitha training for incoming practitioners and our fundraising events. We are however currently exploring creative ways in which we can offer training online.
We remember those people who we would be serving at this time, and who will be particularly isolated.
We also remember the elderly and vulnerable, and health practitioners who are on the front line. If you would like to become a part of our prayer community here is the link to WhatsApp.
Please join us as we continue to build community and share what is on our hearts.
What unites us is greater than what tries to separate us.
With love from Amanda, and the Talitha team.